If you are starting to feel as though you need to file for bankruptcy, there are some things that you are going to want to do. To make sure that you are making this as easy of a process as possible, you will want to review the following tips.

Gather All Of Your Bills

The last thing you want to do is to go through the process of a bankruptcy, only to later find out that you forgot to include some debts as part of it. Therefore, you will want to make sure that you are taking your time and that you are writing a list of every single debt that you have. This includes everything from your past due utility payments to the personal loan from an old friend. Anything that is not listed as part of your bankruptcy will either not be discharged by the courts in a chapter 7 or be included in the repayment plan in a chapter 13 bankruptcy. It is important that your list include not only who the debt is owed to, but their contact information and any account number that you may have.

Retain A Bankruptcy Attorney

While you have the option to file the bankruptcy on your own, you may find that having an attorney complete the process for you is a lot easier. When looking for an attorney to assist you, it is advisable to hire one that specializes in bankruptcy. This way, you will be able to have faith in the answers you are given whenever you go to him or her about a question or concern that you are having. Also, it is very important to make sure that you are getting the best advice possible in regards to whether you should file for a chapter 13 or chapter 7 bankruptcy. By filing the chapter that best suits your financial situation, it will ensure that the bankruptcy judge will agree with your request for assistance.

After considering those points, you should have a much better idea of the things you need to do should you feel that you need to file for bankruptcy. The sooner you get in contact with an attorney, the better. The moment you file for bankruptcy and receive a case number is the moment all collections efforts from your creditors must stop. You will not have to deal with any more collection calls from the creditors.
