Cruising around town with a suspended license is a crime that could land you behind bars, but what about an incident that involves needing to acquire medical attention for someone? Say that you and your grandmother have decided to spend the weekend together at a cabin near a lake. The residence is rather primitive, and you don't have phone service. Your grandmother falls ill, and you believe that she needs emergency medical attention. After driving her to the hospital, you are pulled over and arrested. Is there a viable way to defend yourself?
Learn About The 'Necessity' Defense
Your criminal defense attorney may present you with the 'necessity' defense. With this defense, your lawyer will attempt to prove that you did not pose a threat to any other motorists and that there was no suitable alternative to you driving your loved one to the hospital. The harm that you caused pales in comparison to what could have happened if you didn't seek medical care.
This point will be described in detail to a judge or jury who hears your case. Some information about the cabin's location, the lack of phone service, and the direct route that you drove will be presented during your court hearing. Your grandmother's physical state when she was admitted to the hospital will also be an important part of your defense.
Acquire Supporting Evidence
Having an arrest on your record can cause you to feel embarrassed and ashamed. Maybe you are worried that someone close to you will discover what you have done, and this can result in you withdrawing from others or mentally punishing yourself. Try to hold your head up high and think clearly prior to your court date. Sure, you were arrested and placed in the back of a cop car, but the arresting officer probably assumed that you were joyriding and blatantly ignoring the law.
If you have plenty of supporting evidence that will prove that you needed to drive, you may be exonerated from the crime and will not face any additional jail time or penalties. Acquire a copy of your grandmother's medical records, and seek a witness who spoke with you when you brought your grandmother into the emergency room. A nurse, a doctor, or a clerical employee who observed your worried demeanor and concern about your grandmother may help 'paint the picture' of what unfolded on the day of the arrest.