Workers' compensation insurance, like many forms of insurance, can be tricky. Hurt workers may feel confident about being paid certain benefits only to have those benefits denied. To avoid problems with your claim, take a look at some unfortunate and common issues with workers' compensation.
You fail to inform the doctor of the way your injury or illness relates to your job
You must seek medical treatment as soon as possible after a workplace injury and you may be able to see whatever doctor is the most convenient. What you also must do, however, is tell the office staff and your doctor that your injury is work-related. Explain to the doctor how the injury occurred in the course of doing your job. Even if the injury affects you during your off-hours, it is the effect of it on job tasks that matter the most. After all, it is the doctor's notes and medical records about your medical condition that propel your workers' comp case forward and assure you get the benefits you need and deserve.
Your injury seems to be affecting you in an on-again-off-again manner
Some days you are in more pain than others so you put off taking action in the hopes the injury will clear up on its own. Many workers make the mistake of thinking that workers' comp only covers accidents. You are covered for illnesses and also for injuries that gradually get worse over time. As soon as you notice a nagging injury, begin keeping notes about how often it bothers you. Repetitive stress and strain injuries are covered but you need to see a doctor and explain to them when the issue began and how often you are afflicted with it.
You are told by your workers' comp doctor to return to work before you are ready
This is an unfortunately common occurrence and many workers think they have no choice in the matter. You should let the doctor know how you disagree with their assessment and why. Do the following if this happens to you:
- Tell the doctor how much pain you are in (on a scale of 1-10, for example) and how often it bothers you.
- Tell the doctor why pain or discomfort is occurring. For example, when you walk, sit, raise your arms, etc.
- Ask to be referred to a specialist such as an orthopedic surgeon or a pain specialist.
- Ask the doctor to perform more diagnostic tests like an MRI or others.
When you have problems with your workers' comp claim, don't give up. Speak to a workers' compensation lawyer for more information about your case and to get the benefits you need.