Divorce can be easy for some couples. However, many spouses face roadblocks when they try to part ways with a difficult mate. Read on to find out what to do to make things easier when taking a divorce action against an uncooperative spouse.

Expect the Worst

When a spouse wants to cause problems, it's best to prepare for the worst. Don't assume that a difficult spouse will become easier to deal with once you file for divorce. No one should need to stay married to someone that might be narcissistic, controlling, and/or manipulative. To protect yourself and any children of the marriage, you should take proactive steps. 

Stop Abuse

In some cases, spouses are not only difficult but abusive. Speak to a lawyer about any instances of physical abuse directed toward you or your children. Restraining orders can help, in some cases, to protect abused spouses. If you have proof of the abuse, report it to law enforcement. Keep records of all abuse instances, whether physical or psychological.

If the spouse is not abusive but is being difficult about the divorce, it's not necessarily a criminal matter. There is little law enforcement can do to make a spouse more cooperative. However, your lawyer needs to know about it so that plans can be made to protect yourself against financial and custodial issues.

Get Protected During Separation

Legal separation agreements can help smooth the way as you approach the divorce. While an uncooperative spouse is not likely to agree to much, you can still set up some legal stop signs to prevent things from getting worse.

Speak to your divorce lawyer about protecting marital property with restraining orders. Restraining orders can protect your safety and your property. If you fear your spouse will remove marital property, a restraining order can stop that. For example, if you need the family vehicle to take your children to school and buy groceries, a restraining order can prevent your spouse from selling the car, canceling the auto insurance, and more. You can also have the judge order your spouse to pay part of the marital debt, keep the utilities on, and more.

When it comes to child custody matters, temporary child visitation and custody orders can be handed down even during the separation period. A legal separation agreement can include orders concerning your children, your property, your debts, and more. If needed, spouses can ask for and receive spousal support during separation.

You don't have to stay in a bad marriage. Contact a local family law attorney to learn more. 
